World-class Financial Consultancy Solutions For Your Business. Get a Quote

Why Choose Us


Years Of Experience

What We Provide

Why Thanji&Partners

Donors, international funding agencies, NGOs, government agencies and other development sector stakeholders continue to demand individualised, specialised and independent professional services needed for the continued success and impact of their programmes, with demonstrable value – for – money (VfM). Our team has extensive hands - on experience working with development sector clients, and strives to provide personal and committed services by developing close working relationships with our clients, not only to understand their programme activities, but also to be in a position to provide practical tailor-made solutions.

Skills & Experience at Hedger Consulting

Dedicated and Motivated Professional Team

We have built a holistic approach that leverages our team’s common understanding of the development
sector, and our ability to harness the diverse management consulting skills within the firm into one agile,
cohesive and responsive unit to attend to an organisations or projects particular concerns and

Quality Services


Dedicated Team


What We’re Offering to Our Clients

Real Time Dealing in all Professional Financial Solutions & Services

Exclusive Team

Meet Our Expert Team Member



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